I’m Denise Nurse. Business and Life Coach, Lawyer and Presenter.
Creating a life where I get to do all the things I love at a high level, is something I have had to work for. I love my family, being a lawyer, presenting on and off TV, growing my businesses and dancing. These are all very different passions, so how did I create a life where I could not only do all these things but enjoy them too without burning out or feeling guilty?
Honestly, when I learned to see parts of my awesomeness that were blind to me, my life changed.
As humans, we have intrinsic value and a whole lot of untapped potential that we do not even see. Once we realise where our strengths lie and how amazing we really are, it is a lot easier to create the life you want to live.
I have been in your shoes…
I started my legal business in 2007. Growing this to achieve multi-million turnover, we attracted the star clients, an A Team that we wanted to work with and we created a business that worked without us so that we could eventually sell it. This didn’t happen overnight and wasn’t easy. I understand the pressures of running and growing a business, being there for your family and still wanting to be the best version of you. I have been in your shoes.
What changed?
I learned some new ways of thinking and approached my business and life in a different way. I felt more productive in my businesses, more organised and decisive in my decisions both at work and at home, and more joy in everything.
And now I'd like to teach this way of thinking to you, so you have more self-worth and self-wealth.
I teach harmony, symphony and orchestra. Sometimes one part of the band has to play loud and hard whilst the other is quiet.
It's not balanced if you are trying to do everything at once to the same capacity and capability. That's only possible for short periods of time.
I’m really looking forward to helping you make the most of who you already are and opening the door to becoming who you know you were born to be.
My Approach
I help you look at where you are and see it from a new perspective. The thing that’s inside you that you really want to do - I help you see that and find a way to make it happen.
You focus, you make decisions, you design your life and then you get to live it.
Design it
What do you want? What do you really, really want? You get to decide exactly how you want to live your life. Right now you feel stuck and trapped by your circumstances, you know there’s more but you don’t know how to get there. Start from here and Dream Big.
Create it
When you know what you want you need to know how to get it. Work with me and we achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of. More money, more time, more freedom, more passion, more fun. This is the way.
Own it
Learn how to fully enjoy everything you have created and celebrate it. You can work at the top of your profession and show up as the Mum, Lover, Human Being you want to be in all other areas. Here’s the trick. You do it on your terms. No more people pleasing. Self pleasure is the Treasure.