Boost Your Business Performance With A Personal Power Retreat

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail
— Smart person

I woke up on Saturday morning full of beans. I felt fantastic. You know that holiday feeling when you’re full of anticipation for the amazing time ahead.

I wasn’t on holiday I was on my own Personal Power Retreat. Two nights away and one whole day to focus on me and my business. The sun streamed through the window glittering over the room and onto my desk, beautifully adorned with my stationery, notebooks and pens. Heaven. I had a Pilates class booked and had scheduled time to rest, walk and work. 24 hours full of promise and yes it delivered!

Gifting myself time to work on my business not in it is one of my top tips for creating more success. Stepping away from the day to day and literally surrendering, retreating and withdrawing to make space for fresh ideas.

It’s funny how many of us don’t plan. We know it’s a good idea but we don’t prioritise it. We have an idea, we have some notes, but nothing actually written down. Why? We think we don’t know how, don’t have time, aren’t sure what to include and there’s always something more important to do.

What I know for sure is that the process of thinking about what you want, writing it down and then figuring out how you might get it is POWERFUL. It’s not a step to be missed.

So here are 5 steps I included in my Personal Power Retreat. I’ll dig into each one more over the coming weeks.

  1. Brainstorm what you want to get out of the Day. What do you want to create and how do you want to feel?

  2. Create a Vision Board. Use an onliine tool or bring photos, magazines and other images and get creative drawing, writing, sticking and pasting what you want to experience and have in your life.

  3. Work on your Goals. What do you think you can't achieve but you'd really like to? Let your mind run free and don't censor it. This work is just for you. And then pick one that you are committed to work on.

  4. Take breaks. Stretch, meditate, go for a walk, have a long leisurely lunch. No phones or other stimulus just time for your mind to wander.

  5. 1. When you've marinated in opening your mind, then go into planning mode. Create your One Page Focus on your WHY, WHAT, WHO, HOW, WHEN plan.

Free Your Mind and Have Fun

That’ll get you up and running and it’s all possible within a day. Don’t make it complicated. Keep it simple. Book the time in for you. Treat it like a date with your business and yourself, approach it full curiosity, interest and a desire to learn more and enjoy the time together. You’ll be amazed at what you discover.

Happy Planning



Ps if you want help in getting started with your plan or reviewing it, that’s what we get into on the Business Success Programme. Book a Discovery Call to see if this could be the next step to unlocking more money and more time for you.


Unleash Your True Desires & Create What You Really Want


From Goals to Action - The Best Adventure